The M5 Machine-Mounted Methane Monitor:
A Stable Setting in an Unstable World
While we CAN’T guarantee a stable world, we CAN offer a stable setting
For years, Matrix Design Group field reps have reported stories from mines about frustration with the frequent calibrations and sensor replacement, system faults and inspection stoppages related to their machine-mounted methane monitors. To address these issues, Matrix has introduced the moisture- and vibration-resistant M5, a system with unique sensor design, software and beacon sensor monitoring technology that make it more precise and enable it to maintain a stable zero setting.
While it delivers a new monitoring technology, M5 maintenance is similar to currently available systems, allowing for seamless adoption by mine personnel.
For ease of use, miners can calibrate on the display or beacon. That is, if the beacon is mounted close to the sensor, a miner can apply test gas to the sensor and apply the magnets to the beacon without going back to the display. And the sensor can be connected directly to the beacon or extended, providing more choices on where to position the sensor.
Gassy mines required to run two sensors per CM only need one M5 unit, since it can handle up to two sensors. Its state-of-the-art IS barrier makes the two-sensor option possible.
And for mines that have moisture-related issues with their current methane monitor – the M5 has a unique design which makes the sensors highly water-resistant. Hard to believe? Just check out our video where an M5 sensor reads methane levels while submerged in water!
- Maintains a stable zero
- Highly water- and vibration-resistant
- Two-sensor option
- Calibration at display or beacon
- State-of-the-art IS barrier
- Monitor override
- MSHA approved
Matrix is an ISO 9001 certified designer, developer and marketer of safety and productivity technology for use in mining and industrial applications. Its highly experienced field service staff is available to train and advise mines as well as install and service the M5.
Learn more about the M5.